Wednesday, 16 January 2008

A PENTECOSTAL REVIVAL TEXT Acts 2:1-4 by Mark Hardgrove c/o

TEXT Acts 2:1-4
by Mark Hardgrove

What is a true "Pentecostal" revival? The picture of Acts is often a
far cry from what we see in many Pentecostal churches. First let's look
at what it is not.
A Pentecostal revival is not:
a revival of programs
a revival of human personalities
a revival of pomp and circumstance
When they came down out of the upper room they didn't come down
whispering, they didn't hide in the shadows, they came down with a
revived passion.
True passion always comes out in the speech and actions of the
passionate. If people do not see and hear Jesus in us, then our passion
is lacking. On the day of Pentecost, the passion would not be
contained or concealed in an upper room, it had to make its way, like a
river, into the city, and eventually, all the world.
A few years ago, when Latin America was experiencing phenomenal growth
in the Pentecostal churches, Roland Vaughn said the reason was not
because of education, or facilities, or finances, or programs; "the
reason they are growing," he said, "is because the people have a passion
for God."
James, in his Epistle, said true religion and undefiled is to minister
to the needs of widows and orphans. True religion has enough
compassion to do something about the plight of the outcast of society.
True religion has enough passion to care and to create ministries which
will make a change in people's lives.
There is no Christianity without compassion, and there is no
"com-passion" without "passion." Christ was often moved with
compassion to minister to the masses. Compassion moves us, it motivates
and compels us to do something.
Far from the placid figure portrayed in modern media, Jesus was a
passionate man. He was also moved with passion to rebuke the
religionists, and to clear the temple of money changers.
O for a passionate passion for souls,
O for a pity that yearns!
O for the love that loves unto death,
O for a fire that burns!
O for the pure prayer-power that prevails,
That pours itself out for the lost!
Victorious prayer in the Conqueror's Name,
-Amy Wilson Carmichael
Paul told Timothy, "Stir up the gift of God, which is in thee..." (2
Tim. 1:6)
A passionless church is a church which has left its first love, it is a
church which is neither flowing with cool refreshing streams nor the hot
therapeutic springs, but is lukewarm, half-hearted, empty, apathetic and
complacent. Don't let the passion die, don't lose your first love
Oh that the Spirit would blow across the glowing embers of the
Pentecostal movement again and revive within us a passion for the lost,
a passion for prayer, a passion to praise, a passion for God in all of
His splendor!
They went out in power and turned the world right side up.
Jesus said, "But ye shall receive POWER, after that the Holy Ghost come
upon you: and ye shall be witnesses into me both in Jerusalem, and in
all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."
I thank God we serve a God of POWER. Not like gods of wood and stone
which have hands but cannot save, ears but cannot hear, eyes but cannot
see. Not like the gods of secular humanism which have no power to
transform a man, or lift him out of his sins. But our God is an awesome
God. "God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power
belongeth unto God" (Ps 62:11).
But not only does God have power, He wants that Power to work through
us. "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly according to
the power that worketh in us," (Eph. 3:20)
Power for what? Power to shout? I'm like T. L. Lowery, "I started
shouting the day the burden of sin was lifted off my shoulders and I
haven't quit yet! Shouting is not a sign of power, shouting is a sign
of joy!"
We have been given power to witness and to walk the walk. It grieves
me to see people talking about having the Power of the Holy Spirit, but
can't quit smoking, can't quit talking about their neighbors, can't quit
sinning and won't witness for Jesus. If they've got power then there
will be enough power to witness and to live right!
The early believers lived in His presence, they walked in the Spirit.
In John 14 Jesus said, "I will not leave you Comfortless" He said, "I
will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He
may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth"
The Holy Spirit doesn't want to visit us on Sundays, or when we have a
revival, the Holy Spirit was sent to "abide" with us. He wants to take
up residence within our heart and soul continually bearing witness with
our spirit that we are the Children of God.
We cannot be satisfied with going through the motion, we must long for
the presence of the Lord, He is the source of revival.
The Psalmist said, "One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I
seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my
life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple"
(Ps 27:4).
Do these attributes of a Pentecostal revival grace your life? If not,
then you need revival. Come and experience the Passion, the Power and
the Presence of Pentecostal Revival in your life.

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